Milis Candle Care - how to make your candle last.

Here are some tips to help you look after your candle and ensure you have a long, clean burn.

-When you light your candle for the first time allow it to burn until the melted wax reaches the side of the glass jar, this creates a memory in the wax. This means that the next time you light your candle and every time after that it will burn to the edge, promising an even burn right until the end.


-Always keep your wick trimmed to 5mm, this just means breaking off the burnt end before lighting it again and remove any debris from the melt pool.


-Do not burn your candle for more than four hours at a time & be sure to burn it on a heat resistant surface.

-When you are extinguishing your candle try not to blow it out (blowing it moves the wick and blows debris into the melted wax), rather deprive it of oxygen using the jar cap or a snuffer.

-If your candle is flickering, smoking or has a large flame - extinguish it, trim the wick & relight.

-Keep your candle out of draughts & away from danger.

Fiona Young